I was born in a poor family and I think the people in my family had poor beliefs about money. I made it my goal to raise my kids with rich and wealthy beliefs about money.
I think I did. You see, poor people adopt beliefs to justify the fact that they do not have money. Because of their beliefs, they do not take certain opportunities to gain money and their situation remains the same.
My job as a mother is to keep my kids away from those thoughts.
Most people think that in order to have money, you need to make, earn or win it. I think that in order to have money, we have to have good thoughts and beliefs about money, about making money, about finances and wealthy people.
If you have these thoughts, the money will come to you rather than you trying to chase it.
The best way to become wealthy is to examine your beliefs about money, get rid of the bad ones and adopt good beliefs. My strategy of getting rid of negative beliefs is to find just one example where it is not true.
For example, if I believe money only comes when I work hard, I think of a time when I sat on my butt doing nothing and still got paid.
Here is a list of 100 common negative beliefs about money. The more of them you have, the less money you probably have in your bank account.
100 Negative Beliefs about Money
- There is not enough money in the world for everyone. If I have more money, others will have less.
- Some people are just lucky and some (read: I) are not.
- If you want to be rich, you need to be born rich.
- Rich people get rich because they are stingy and save every penny.
- Rich people only care about themselves.
- Rich people have bad relationships because money is more important to them than other people.
- Rich people do not have families, so they have more time to make money.
- If I have money, people will be jealous of me and it will ruin my relationship with them.
- You have to sell your soul to have money.
- Money is the source of all evil.
- If I spend money, I won’t have any money.
- Having money is greedy and not spiritual.
- Making money is too hard.
- With money come worries. Rich people do not sleep well at night.
- Rich people are arrogant.
- I am not willing to give up everything for money.
- Rich people think they can do anything they want with their money.
- You have to start early, if you want to be rich, so it is too late for me to start now.
- If I have money, I will just lose it anyway.
- If I have money, people will just want me for my money. I will not know who is a real friend and who is only with me because I am wealthy.
- I cannot save money.
- Rich people made their money in illegal or dishonest ways.
- Money does not grow on trees.
- You can too much money.
- I have to struggle to survive.
- I am not good with money.
- Money is the main reason for divorce.
- I am not worthy of having money.
- I hate thinking about money.
- If I had money, I would not have the problems I have now.
- If I do not have money, it means I was not meant to have money.
- Money can’t buy love, and I would rather have love than money.
- Rich people are rich only because they take advantage of others.
- It is bad to want money.
- It is bad to talk about money.
- It is bad to ask for payment for your service.
- Money is not the most important thing in life.
- Rich people think they are better than others.
- When money is involved, people forget the importance of their relationships.
- Having money is a hassle and hard work.
- Money is a major source of conflicts.
- Money is a reward for good behavior.
- If you are good enough, you will make money.
- I do not know what I would do if I had money.
- Being very rich is being filthy (“filthy rich”).
- I will never make money.
- I do not deserve money.
- God wants us to struggle.
- I do not know how to make money.
- Money causes stress.
- Suffering brings us closer to God.
- I give up when it comes to money.
- What is the point of working hard for money if it goes anyway?
- I hate money.
- It is a tough time now.
- It is very hard to find a job.
- Only rare people are rich.
- Money is a curse.
- I do not get up in the morning for less than __ dollars.
- At this rate, I will never make it.
- It is impossible to make a lot of money.
- Never buy something you do not need.
- Rich people save every cent they have.
- To be rich you have to give up too much.
- If I have money, I will spend it.
- I am afraid I will never have money.
- One day, I will have lots of money.
- Money slips through my fingers.
- It is not fair that some people have money and others do not.
- I am going broke.
- Money is a pain in the neck.
- I am poor.
- Money will change me for the worse.
- Dirty money.
- The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.
- Poor people are happier.
- I am happy with the little I have.
- I have enough for my needs.
- It is too expensive.
- I am not good with saving money.
- Jobs suck.
- You have to break your back to make money.
- I do not have any money.
- Money cannot buy happiness
- Most rich people lose their wealth and their families.
- I do not want other to know how much I have.
- I really do not want money anyway.
- I only need enough money to get by.
- If I want to be rich, I must think of every cent I spend.
- Having money is too much commitment.
- My parents will be proud of me if I earn a lot of money.
- Chasing money will give me no time to enjoy life.
- Men need to earn more than their wives.
- Investments are hassle.
- I feel uncomfortable if I earn money more than my parents.
- Money is just a piece of paper.
- I am not the kind of person who will do everything for the money.
- I do not know anything about banking.
- This is my destiny.
- Money can’t buy you health.
Join me next time for positive beliefs about money, about making money, about rich people and about wealth. They will help you replace any negative beliefs about money you may have.
Happy money making!