The week before Mother’s Day, I heard the kids whispering to one another and being not very good at keeping things secret. I knew they were planning something for Mother’s Day and it made me wonder what I would like to receive for this special day.
Dear mothers, did you have a list of requested gifts you wished to get on Mother’s Day? Well, I did!
This month, my 20-year-old daughter Eden started a great job, her first job after finishing her Event Management studies. Her manager, who my daughter volunteered to work with at another festival, loves her so much that when she leaves the office, she calls out “Eden, we love you”.
On the weekend, we went to another festival with over 10,000 visitors that my daughter volunteered to coordinate. On the day of the festival, I went to offer my help and told the festival staff who I was and everyone told me how wonderful she was.
This month, my 13-year-old son Tsoof was accepted to MOST, a special camp for 77 musically outstanding students from the state of Queensland in 2009.
Next month, we are going to see Tsoof dancing and drumming at Creative Generations, the highest-profile public event staged by the Department of Education and Training, celebrating Queensland’s 150th birthday (Q150) at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre.
Last week, my 7-year-old daughter Noff had performed with her school’s choir and Greek dancing troupe. I found myself sitting among other parents who were watching their young kids dancing so beautifully, confidently and happily and I wanted to tell everyone “See that bright girl over there? She’s mine!”
This year, I got the most wonderful gifts for Mother’s Day – pride!
On the wish list I give my kids as a request for my birthday, for my anniversary, for Mother’s Day and for all special occasions, I have only one word – pride!
You see, for me, pride in my kids is the best gift of all and all I need to do is define pride. So I say to my kids:
- “I’m proud of you when you go after your dreams”
- “I’m proud of you when you stand up for what you believe”
- “I’m proud of you when you succeed”
- “I’m proud of you when you put effort into achieving something you want”
- “I’m proud of you when you conquer your fears”
- “I’m proud of you when you help”
- “I’m proud of you when you are honest”
- “I’m proud of you when you express yourself, especially when it’s hard”
- “I’m proud of you when you grow and learn”
- “I’m proud of you when you ask curious questions”
- “I’m proud of you when you are creative and when you use your imagination”
- “I’m proud of you when you show consideration and care for others”
- “I’m proud of you when you are proud of yourself”
You see, with such rules you can have Mother’s Day every day.
Happy Mother’s Day (even if you are a father),